Wednesday, November 12, 2014

TFL Weekly Rule Focus - Coffin Corner Punt

I thought I would start a weekly feature of posting a rule that we all use, but do we actually know how the rule functions.  As I had no access to my game, I looked over the rules and found Coffin Corner Punt.

COFFIN CORNER PUNT Follow the above punting procedures but before rolling the dice announce this is a coffin corner punt.  After rolling for the punt and determining the initial punt distance roll all 4 dice.  Add the white die together with the two red dice and subtract this distance from the punt giving the adjusted punt distance.  If the black die is an X then the punt stays in-bounds and it may be returned. If the black die is a blank or a “D” then the punt goes out-of-bounds.  If the adjusted punt distance reaches the goal line, or it goes out of bounds past the goal line, then a touchback occurs (no return is possible). 
EXAMPLE: Say the ball is on the defensive 35-yard line and a coffin corner punt is attempted.  The initial roll indicates a punt of 43 yards to the #1 Back.  Do not attempt a punt return yet.  Instead, roll all 4 dice.  Let’s say a black “D” was rolled along with a white three and two red sixes.  3+6+6 = 15 (this is the yardage to subtract from the initial punt distance).  43-15 = 28.  Therefore, this is a 28-yard punt that goes out of bounds on the 7-yard line.  Had the black die been an “X” then the ball would not have gone out of bounds and the number one punt returner could have elected to try and return it. 

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