Here's a little update of where we are currently in the TFL.
1) LEAGUE COMPOSITION - all the owners have replied and are returning. I have one owner waiting in the wings if someone does have to leave.
2) POLL RESULTS (SEE BELOW) - We have a couple of rule changes I would like hammered out before the off-season begins. Below was the result of both polls that I did last season. The only significant rule changes that people would like to see are two halfbacks allowed in the backfield and the Defensive Card be changed (assuming GOOD/GOOD). Both items we will have to be voted on again.
3) OTHER RULE CONSIDERATIONS - these are two areas I would like to evaluate:
A) Limitations on usage in the playoffs. The unlimited number of catches for a RB at 20 is just too few.
B) YAC RULE - Please follow me on this one. I think if we are going to use "RUN as PASS" rule that we consider removing the YAC rule. I think many of us like the "IDEA" of the YAC rule, but I don't know if we all completely understand it. The RUN as PASS rule is already resulting in a WRONG result when the Defense calls PASS on a flat pass. That is already a huge advantage if you look at a quarterbacks card and especially on the receiver card on WRONG. The YAC rule is only triggered when the roll is on the quarterbacks flat pass card (SEE TOM BRADY's card below) with the parenthesis result. The YAC rule takes the parenthesis result then rolls on the YAC table based upon the receivers YAC rating. If we don't use the YAC rule the parenthesis result is not used, but the other higher result.Those that defend the YAC rule will say that the YAC result isn't always positive as its a detriment for low rated YAC players with D or E ratings (SEE YAC CATCH CHART BELOW). Also even for an "A" rated player, 30 percent of the time the result is zero or -1 (roll of 6 or 7). So I see the benefits and negatives. I just don't think you will get the bigger gains that you see "A" and "B" rated YAC players get. I guess I would like your opinion on this one.